In this help doc
Graph Settings
See Graph Settings
See Graph Templates
Import Graphs - Example
In this example, we will be creating new graphs with the most basic import fields.
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click Import Graphs
Download Sample CSV file and populate it with the needed values. Not all columns are required. See sample above. All graphs are standard graphs except Bills. The Bills graph is inverted (upside down) graph. Even though Frequency is not specified, it will be set to Weekly as a default setting.
Choose File you want to import
Enter Email address to receive the import results
Click Start Importing
The status of the import will be displayed. Also, here you can see all your previous imports.
See also:
Import Values - Example
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click Import Values
Download Sample CSV file and populate it with the needed values.
NOTE: The Sample CSV file will contain all your graphs. You only need to enter values for the needed graphs. If you leave the fields empty for the other graphs, it won't replace their existing values with zero. See sample above.
Also, ensure the values match the correct days. If you try importing daily values into a Weekly graph, it might calculate the sum of the 7 days and add it for that week.
Choose File you want to import
Enter Email address to receive the import results
Once the values are imported, the graphs will look like the image above.
Mass Archive Graphs via Import
It's possible to archive multiple graphs via the Graph Import feature.
All you need is the Graph ID and a column with the heading Archived as shown below:
To obtain a list of Graph IDs, export Graphs via the Data Export.
Remove the Graph IDs for graphs you do not want to archive or use FALSE in the Archived column if you are updating other graphs via the same import.
See also:
Mass Delete Graphs via Import
It's possible to delete multiple graphs via the Graph Import feature.
All you need is the Graph ID and a column with the heading Delete as shown below:
To obtain a list of Graph IDs, export Graphs via the Data Export.
Remove the Graph IDs for graphs you do not want to delete or use FALSE in the Delete column if you are updating other graphs via the same import.
See also:
View Previous Imports
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click Import Graphs
Click View Previous Imports
All previous imports will be displayed
Duplicate Graphs
See Duplicate Graphs
Find a Graph
To find a specific graph or graphs:
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
If you have more than one Team Chart, you can select the desired one. It will automatically update the results.
You can select a specific Team from the Team Chart. To update the results, click the Filter button.
You can select one or more Graph Groups. To update the results, click the Filter button.
You can select the Type of graph: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, etc. You can select a single or multiple options in this filter.
Select Active, Hidden, Archived or Deleted. You can select a single or multiple options in this filter.
You can search by a keyword. To update the results, click the Filter button.
It will list all desired graphs.
NOTE: If you have more than 100 graphs, it will list 20 at a time. This is to avoid unnecessary load on your web browser every time you open the Graphs settings.
Open a Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click Open on the desired graph
Edit a Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click Edit on the desired graph
Click Copy to make a copy of the graph. The values will not be copied.
Click Convert to change the default graph type frequency. If it's a weekly graph, you can convert it to Daily, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly graph. See TIPS & TRICKS: Converting Graph Frequency for more info.
You can Archive the graph in case it's not in use at the moment but will be used in future.
You can Delete the graph if it's not needed.
NOTE: You can restore deleted graphs within 90 days.
You can choose a different Organization if you want to move the graph there.
You can change the Name of the graph
You can add a Description for the graph
If the graph doesn't have any values, you can change the default Graph Type frequency. If it has values, you would need to use the Convert function in step 6.
You can change the default View Frequency of the graph - Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly
Hidden will not display the graph in the Search menu. See TIPS & TRICKS: The Hidden Graph Feature.
You can add the graph in Graph Groups
Missing Entries deals with missing values. It can either show the gap, display "0" or hide the missing value.
Show line for incomplete period will show a line even though the period has not ended. For example, if it's a weekly graph, the line will be visible for the present week even though the week has not ended.
Days to collect data is useful when daily graphs are used. It will collect data on all or specific days. There are two options: Organization's default data collection days and Custom data collection days.
NOTE: When Organization's default data collection days option is selected, it will use the global setting for Data collection days. See step 6 in Editing Graph Settings for more info.
When Custom data collection days option is selected, you can select the desired days. For example, if Saturday and Sunday are excluded, they won't appear on the graph. See image above.Allowed overdue days refers to the number of days that a value can be left blank before it is considered overdue.
You can Invert Graph. This means the lower values are better.
You can show or hide values on a graph
Show incomplete values indicator displays an asterisk if a graph has a missing value
Show average line displays a line which calculates the average of all values. See Always Show The Average Line for more info.
Show cumulative line displays the cumulative total of a graph
How should values be aggregated determines how values are displayed at lower frequencies. For example, it can display all values in the period, the average of all values, the minimum / maximum value within the period, the first or last reported value of the period.
You can add Decimal Places for the values
You can set a Minimum / Maximum Value for the graph. If there is a value outside of this scope, the scope will be ignored.
Restrict chart to minimum and maximum values means that if there is a value outside of the scope, it will not be visible on the graph.
Viability Value is the minimum value that is needed for the business to survive and to continue to expand. This will add a horizontal dashed line on the graph, representing your target value. See Using the Viability Line for more info.
You can use a Unit Symbol, if needed.
You can add a Quota and Quota line color. A Quota is the daily or weekly amount you need to meet in order to achieve the target. See TIPS & TRICKS: Quotas & Targets for more info.
You can specify Targets and Target line color. A target is what you want to achieve by a certain date. For example, $200,000 in sales by the end of the month.
Custom Attributes - This is primarily a way to add additional metadata to a graph. For example, you might have your own internal ID number for each graph. You can add a custom attribute named "Internal ID" and give it a value. Then any time in the future you can go back to the Custom Attributes section to see what it's set to. This is often implemented when using our API v4. If you have no custom attributes, leave this blank. If you have not created any Custom Attributes as in the image above, see Custom Attribute Fields.
To assign the graph to a member, select the desired Responsible Member.
NOTE: If the member is moved to a different position or removed from the Organization, all of the member's graphs will need to be reassigned to another member.
To assign the graph to a position, select the desired Responsible Position.
NOTE: If a member is moved to a different position or removed from the Organization, all of the member's graphs will remain assigned to the position and there is no need to reassign the graphs to the new member.
Select the graph permissions you would like to assign to the member or position
Permissions lets you assign group permissions aside from the permissions that the member has. This is useful if other members needs to have access to the graph.
Save Changes
Archive a Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click on Archive
Delete a Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Click on Delete
NOTE: You can restore a graph if deleted within 90 days
Archive or Delete Graphs in Bulk
Archive or Delete specific graphs
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select the desired graphs or click the checkbox next to the Name column to select all listed graphs
Click Archive or Delete
Delete all archived graphs
Before you remove your archived graphs, ensure that you don't have calculated graphs that are using any archived graph. If that's the case and the archived graph is removed, the calculated graph will lose these values.
The whole purpose of archived graphs is to preserve the values in case they are needed for future or if they are in use in a calculated graph. Once the graphs are removed, the data will not be available after 90 days.
If you are sure that you want to remove the archived graphs, follow these steps:
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select Archived
Select All
Click Delete
Restore a Graph
Restore an Individual Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select Archived or Deleted or both
Click Filter
It will open all Archived or Deleted graphs. Click Unarchive or Restore on the desired graph.
Restore Archived Graphs in Bulk
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select Archived
Click Filter
It will open all Archived graphs. You can see the Status as "Archived". Select the desired graphs or Select All.
Click Unarchive
Restore Deleted Graphs in Bulk
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select Deleted
Click Filter
It will open all Deleted graphs. Select the desired graphs or Select All.
Click Restore Deleted
Assign a Responsible Member for Multiple Graphs in Bulk
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select the desired graphs
Select a responsible member
You can also assign the graphs to the member's position
Assign Member
Show who archived a Graph
Click Settings
Expand your Organization
Click on Graphs
Select Archived
Click Filter
Click Open on the archived graph
Click the 3-dot menu
Click Graph Info
It will display the member name