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Team Chart 2.0

Learn how to use the Team Chart

Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over a week ago

In this Help Doc


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Introduction to the Team Chart

Team Charts (formerly Org Charts) come in many shapes and sizes and according to Wikipedia, they date back to as early as 1854!

The same Wikipedia article defines a team chart as:

A diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

There are many different types of team charts, each with their own design and names. That's why we've designed the team chart feature in MetaPulse to be fully customizable and allow for all types of team charts.


Here's several key terms that will help you create and maintain your team chart:

Team (formerly Org Area)

We use the term "Team" to represent a division, department, section, etc.

A child in the Team Chart is a type of area that will be nested inside another area. It's used to create hierarchy. For example, a child could be a department inside a division, or section inside a department and so on.

Role (formerly Hat)

A role is a particular hat or occupation (Oxford Dictionary). In MetaPulse, it includes a description of what the person does—their function, purpose, and result they are meant to achieve. See Understanding Roles and Positions

Position (formerly Post)

A position is a job, paid employment. (Oxford Dictionary) In MetaPulse, it means a specific location on the team chart. See Understanding Roles and Positions.

Team Leader (formerly In Charge)
A "Team Leader" is the person in control or with overall responsibility of an area (Oxford Dictionary). This feature is used to identify managers and the organizational hierarchy.

Held from Above (HFA)

When a position on the team chart has no dedicated person assigned to it, it will automatically assign the manager of that team (division, department, section, etc). This is indicated by the term "Held from Above."

Understanding Roles and Positions

  • A role is a particular hat or occupation (Oxford Dictionary). In MetaPulse, it includes a description of what the person does—their function, purpose, and result they are meant to achieve.

  • A position is a job, paid employment. (Oxford Dictionary) In MetaPulse, it means a specific location on the team chart.

  • A team chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and roles. (Wikipedia)

Keep in mind that a Role can be used across multiple Positions. For example, a Sales Person Role might be worn by many people in your organisation, as shown below.

On the Team Chart this appears as follows:

Team Chart 2.0 Orientation

Print your Team Chart

NOTE: If you want to print your Team Chart on a printing press, you can do it with any size you want without losing quality. You only need to ensure you are using high-quality avatar images for your team members because expanding the Team Chart size will decrease the print quality of the images.

  1. For Mac CMD+P, for PC CNTRL+P

  2. Save to PDF

  3. Select Landscape

  4. Choose paper size or custom size

  5. Uncheck Headers

  6. Check Background Images

  7. Save to PDF

  8. Open PDF and print or send to a printing shop for large scale printing.

New Team Chart Experience

View Horizontally / Vertically

Switch between Team Charts

  1. If you have more than one organization, select the desired one.

  2. Click the Team Chart menu

  3. Select the desired Team Chart

Display Roles under each position

  1. Click on Controls

  2. Click Show Roles

  3. The Roles will be displayed under each position

  4. You can click the Controls button again to collapse it.

  5. To hide the Roles, click the Roles button.

Create a Team Chart

Create a New Team on your team Chart

Add a Child Team to your Team Chart

Add Position to your Team Chart

Add the 1st position in a Team

Add subsequent positions in a Team

Add a Member on a Position

Set Position as Held From Above

Add Avatar to a Member

Change a Team color

Add Results for a Team

Set a member as a Team Leader

Set a member as an Assistant

Set Away Periods for a Member

Add Knowledge Item for a Role

Add description to a Role

Rename a Team

Display a Team separately from the other teams

Open all Team's graphs

Open all Team's graphs in Data Entry

Add Knowledge Item for a Team

Open all Objectives for a Team

Open all Events for a Team

Open all Alerts for a Team

Recognize a Team Alias

Archive a Team Chart

Archiving a Team Chart only works if the Team Chart is not the main one. So, if you have more than one Team Chart and you want to remove a Team Chart which is not the main one, you can archive it.

Since you can also delete a Team Chart, the difference between archiving and deleting is archiving saves you a lot of time because you can remove the whole Team Chart, including the teams, positions and members from it with a click of a button, whereas deleting requires you to manually remove each member, position and team first before you can delete the Team Chart.

To archive a Team Chart:

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click Edit on the desired Team Chart

  5. Click Archive Team Chart. Click OK.
    NOTE: Once a Team Chart is archived, it can't be restored.

Move Position to a different Team

  • Click the position.

  • Click Edit Position.

  • Click the Edit Team button.

  • Select the desired Team.

  • Click Update.

Change Member on a Position

Change Role for a Position

Add Alias for a Position

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