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Team Chart

Manage Team Charts via Settings

Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over 5 months ago

In this help doc

Team Charts:



Export & Importing a Team Chart:

See also:

Create a Team Chart

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on New Team Chart

  5. Enter the Name of the company

  6. Enter the Mission Statement. (optional)
    ​NOTE: To format the text, see Markdown Syntax.

  7. Float team chart at level refers to how many levels of floating areas the chart will have. See Floating Areas for more info.

  8. Collapse team chart at level will collapse or minimize the Team Chart at a specified level

  9. Display team chart vertically starting at level will display all horizontally aligned sections into a vertical line

  10. Display Results section at level will display the results for each team from the selected level and above it. See also TIPS & TRICKS: Results on Team Chart Not Showing.

  11. Toggle Align floating teams to the left

  12. Toggle Include in search bar - This will include / remove the Team Chart from the search bar and any members of that Team Chart won't show.

  13. Click Create Team Chart

  14. Click on Teams

  15. Click on New Team

  16. Enter a Name for the team
    ​NOTE: If this is the 1st team, this will be the top team and you can name it CEO/Founder. All other teams will come under this team.

  17. Enter the Results that this team is going to achieve

  18. Fill in additional information, if needed.

  19. You can assign a specific Knowledge item for this Team. In this example, you can assign all Knowledge items related to Sales / Marketing to this Team and these items will be automatically assigned to all members belonging to this Team.

  20. If you have more than one Team Chart, you can select the desired one.

  21. Parent Team - Choosing a parent will nest this team within another, choosing None will create a new top level team.

  22. The Draft Team feature allows you to create a team in draft mode. This means that the Team will be invisible until it's published. This is useful if you need to create a Team ahead of time and publish it when needed.

  23. Appear elevated on Team Chart will elevate this team, making it senior or more important than other teams.
    ​NOTE: This is available on the legacy Team Chart only.

  24. You can choose a Custom Color for the team

  25. Click Create Team

Once done, repeat steps 15 - 25 to create the other Teams on the Team Chart. The result will look like this:

Edit a Team Chart

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Edit

  5. You can enter a new Name for the Team Chart

  6. Enter the Mission Statement. (optional)
    ​NOTE: To format the text, see Markdown Syntax.

  7. Float team chart at level refers to how many levels of floating areas the chart will have. See Floating Areas for more info.

  8. Collapse team chart at level will collapse or minimize the Team Chart at a specified level

  9. Display team chart vertically starting at level will display all horizontally aligned sections into a vertical line

  10. Display Results section at level will display the results for each team from the selected level and above it

  11. Toggle Align floating teams to the left

  12. Toggle Include in search bar - This will include / remove the Team Chart from the search bar and any members of that Team Chart won't show.

  13. Click Update Team Chart

The result will look like this:

Delete a Team Chart

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Edit

  5. Click Delete Team Chart
    ​NOTE: If the button is greyed out, you will need to remove the teams first before you can delete the Team Chart.

Edit a Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click Edit Team

  6. Enter a Name for the team

  7. Enter the Results that this team is going to achieve

  8. Fill in additional information, if needed.

  9. You can add a specific Knowledge item for this Team. This Knowledge item will appear under the details for this Team in order to show videos and other content while browsing the Team. To see the details of a specific Team, see Information.

  10. Select a different Team if you want to move this Team to another Team Chart

  11. Parent Team - Choosing a parent will nest this team within another, choosing None will make it a top level team.

  12. Appear elevated on Team Chart will elevate this team, making it senior or more important than other teams.

  13. You can choose a Custom Color for the team

  14. Click Update Team

Delete a Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Edit Team

  6. Click Delete Team

View a Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click View on the desired Team

  6. The Team will be highlighted

Rearrange Teams

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Use the hamburger icons to reorder

Find a Specific Team by Member Name

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Select the member. It will automatically show the member's Team.

Create a New Team Alias

Team Alias is used when a company has branch offices in different locations. Even though these branch offices are part of the main Team Chart, they can be "duplicated" and made to appear on the branch office Team Chart for convenience. They are not a copy of the Team but a link to it.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click New Alias

  6. Select the Source Organization

  7. Select the Source Team Chart

  8. Choose the desired Source Team you would like to create Alias for.

  9. You can create a Name for the Alias. Leaving it blank will inherit the name from the Source Team.

  10. Select the destination Team Chart

  11. Select the Parent Team of the destination Team Chart. Select None if it doesn't need to be nested under any Team.

  12. This is the primary alias - This adds a link back to this alias when viewing the Source Team.

  13. Include children from source team - This will include anything inside the Source Team, e.g. other departments, members, positions and rules.

  14. Click Create Team

The Source Team will have an arrow symbol, designating it has an Alias. When clicked, it will take you to the Alias:

Default Team Chart View & Floating Teams

Introduction to Team Chart View & Floating Teams

Each level of the Team Chart can be viewed without having to view the entire chart. Furthermore, you can create floating teams as shown below.

The default Team Chart view looks like this:

In the example below, the default float level is set to 1, creating a single floating team:

Default Team Chart Level Settings

The image below shows a 4 Level Team Chart:

  1. Level 1 - The Organization

  2. Level 2 - Senior Management

  3. Level 3 - Teams

  4. Level 4 - Sub-Teams

Setting up Floating Teams

To activate the Floating teams, set the Float team chart at level setting as shown below:

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Edit on the Team Chart you want to activate floating teams

  5. Choose which level to float your Team Chart. e.g. Level 1 is one level of floating teams.

  6. If you want to Align floating teams to the left, select it. We will leave it unchecked to keep the floating team in center.

  7. Click Update Team Chart to save

  8. The result will look like the image above

See also

Archive a Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Edit Team

  6. Click Archive Team. Click OK.
    ​NOTE: If the Archive Team button is missing, it means that there are other Teams or Team Aliases under this Team that need to be archived or deleted first.

  7. The archived Team will be greyed out. It will also be removed from the Team Chart.

Restore a Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Restore on the archived Team. It will be displayed on the Team Chart.

Create a Draft Team

The Draft Team feature allows you to create a team in draft mode. This means that the Team will be invisible until it's published. This is useful if you need to create a Team ahead of time and publish it when needed.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click New Team

  6. Enter a Name for the team

  7. Enter the Results that this team is going to achieve

  8. Fill in additional information, if needed.

  9. You can add a specific Knowledge item for this Team. This Knowledge item will appear under the details for this Team in order to show videos and other content while browsing the Team. To see the details of a specific Team, see Information.

  10. Select a different Team Chart if you want to move this Team to another Team Chart

  11. Parent Team - Choosing a parent will nest this team within another, choosing None will make it a top level team.
    ​NOTE: Only a Draft Team can be nested within both existing and draft teams. An existing Team can't be nested within a Draft Team.

  12. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  13. Appear elevated on Team Chart will elevate this team, making it senior or more important than other teams.

  14. You can choose a Custom Color for the team

  15. Click Create Team

  16. It will be displayed as a Draft

  17. To see how the Draft Team would look like, click Preview.

  18. It will display the Draft Team

  19. To publish the Draft Team, click Publish Draft.

  20. Click Confirm Publish.

Create a Draft Team Alias in an Existing Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click New Alias

  6. Select the Source Team Chart

  7. Choose the desired Source Team you would like to create Alias for.
    ​NOTE: You can select a Draft Team as the source as well.

  8. You can create a Name for the Alias. Leaving it blank will inherit the name from the Source Team.

  9. Select the destination Team Chart

  10. Select the Parent Team of the destination Team Chart. Select None if it doesn't need to be nested under any Team.
    ​NOTE: Only a Draft Team Alias can be nested within both existing and draft teams. An existing Team Alias can't be nested within a Draft Team.

  11. This is the primary alias - This adds a link back to this alias when viewing the Source Team.

  12. Include children from source team - This will include anything inside the Source Team, e.g. other departments, members, positions and rules.

  13. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  14. Click Create Team

  15. It will be displayed as a Draft

  16. To see how the Draft Team Alias would look like, click Preview.

  17. It will display the Draft Team Alias

  18. To publish the Draft Team Alias, click Publish Draft.

  19. Click Confirm Publish

Create a Draft Team Alias in a Draft Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click New Alias

  6. Select the Source Team Chart

  7. Choose the desired Source Team you would like to create Alias for.

    NOTE: You can select a Draft Team as the source as well.

  8. You can create a Name for the Alias. Leaving it blank will inherit the name from the Source Team.

  9. Select the destination Team Chart

  10. Select the Parent Team of the destination Team Chart. This will be the desired Draft Team under which the Draft Team Alias will be created. Select None if it doesn't need to be nested under any Team.
    ​NOTE: Only a Draft Team Alias can be nested within both existing and draft teams. An existing Team Alias can't be nested within a Draft Team.

  11. This is the primary alias - This adds a link back to this alias when viewing the Source Team.

  12. Include children from source team - This will include anything inside the Source Team, e.g. other departments, members, positions and rules.

  13. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  14. Click Create Team

  15. It will be displayed as a Draft

  16. To see how the Draft Team Alias would look like, click Preview.

  17. It will display the Draft Team Alias

  18. To publish the Draft Team Alias, click Publish Draft.

  19. Click Confirm Publish

Create a New Position

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions

  6. Click New Position

  7. Choose an existing Role or create New Role. See also Understanding the difference between Roles and Positions

  8. Enter Role Name if it's a new role

  9. Role Display Name is optional - If left blank, it will use the Role Name.

  10. Purpose - purpose of the position, e.g. Increase Organization Income.

  11. Function - main functions of the position, e.g. Follow up leads, provide correct product or service.

  12. Results - The results produced or expected of the position. e.g. a Sales person's results could be "Closed deals."

  13. You can select a specific Knowledge item that represents the Role. This will be visible on the Team Chart when you view the details of the position.

  14. Toggle Team Leader / Not a Team Leader. See TIPS & TRICKS: Team Permissions explained.

  15. Toggle Assistant / Not an Assistant

  16. Assign the desired Graph Permissions

  17. Attachments let you add documents (images, checklists, etc.) related to the role

  18. Assign a Member to the Position (this person must have a MetaPulse login) or leave as Held From Above (HFA)

    NOTE: We recommend that you add all the positions to your Team Chart before assigning the position to an individual.

  19. Position Name - defaults to role name but can be changed.

  20. Team - location of the position on the Team Chart.

  21. These Custom Attributes lets you add additional info for the position. For more info, see Example - Create a Custom Attribute for a Position.

  22. Use member's or custom location - These options relate to the location of the individual and will be displayed under the Position Details on the Team Chart. This is useful information for large businesses who have employees spread through a multi-level building or for those with remote employees who work from different locations.

  23. Graphs assigned to the member - Will display graphs assigned to user.

  24. Graphs for Position - Add more graphs specific to the position.

  25. Add Graph Groups for Position - Used for easily finding and viewing a collection of graphs.

  26. Click Create Position

Create a Position Alias

Some team chart designs require the same position to be duplicated in different parts of the organization, often to show hierarchy.

Our users often create a duplicate position to solve this problem but this can generate confusion when assigning graphs and objectives.

To solve this problem we have created the "Position Alias" feature. It's the same position displayed in another location.

Here's how you create a Position Alias:

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions on the destination Team

  6. Click New Position Alias

  7. Select the Source Team Chart. This is if you have more than one Team Chart.

  8. Select the Source Team. This is the Team where the actual position resides.

  9. Select the Source Position. This is the actual position for which you will be creating an alias.

  10. The Draft feature allows you to create a position in draft mode. This means that the position will be invisible until it's published. This is useful if you need to create a position ahead of time and publish it when needed.

  11. Position Name - defaults to role name but can be changed.

  12. Team - location of the position on the Team chart.

  13. Click Create Position

  14. To verify that the Position Alias was created, click Team Chart.

  15. To see which one of the two is a Position Alias, click View details.

  16. The Position Alias will have an Edit Alias button

Manage Positions

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions

  6. Click Edit Position

  7. Edit the details - Follow the steps 7-25 under Create a New Position.

Delete a Position

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions

  6. Click Edit Position

  7. Click Delete Position

Archive a Position

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions

  6. Click Edit Position

  7. Click Archive Position

  8. It will list every Graph, Alert, Objective and Position Alias associated with the Position. Click Archive. The Position will be removed from the Team Chart.
    ​NOTE: The graphs and position aliases assigned to the position will be archived as well.

  9. Click Show Archived Positions

  10. The Archived Position will be displayed.

Create a Draft Position in an Existing Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions on the desired Team

  6. Click New Position

  7. Choose an existing Role or create New Role. See also Understanding the difference between Roles and Positions

  8. Enter Role Name if it's a new role

  9. Role Display Name is optional - If left blank, it will use the Role Name.

  10. Purpose - purpose of the position, e.g. Increase Organization Income.

  11. Function - main functions of the position, e.g. Follow up leads, provide correct product or service.

  12. Results - The results produced or expected of the position. e.g. a Sales person's results could be "Closed deals."

  13. You can select a specific Knowledge item that represents the Role. This will be visible on the Team Chart when you view the details of the position.

  14. Toggle Team Leader / Not a Team Leader. See TIPS & TRICKS: Team Permissions explained.

  15. Toggle Assistant / Not an Assistant

  16. Assign the desired Graph Permissions

  17. Attachments lets you add documents (images, checklists, etc.) related to the role

  18. Assign a Member to the Position (this person must have a MetaPulse login) or leave as Held From Above (HFA)

    NOTE: We recommend that you add all the positions to your Team Chart before assigning the position to an individual

  19. Position Name - defaults to role name but can be changed

  20. Team - location of the position on the Team Chart
    ​NOTE: Only a Draft Position can be placed under existing and draft teams. An existing position can't be placed in a Draft Team.

  21. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  22. These Custom Attributes lets you add additional info for the position. For more info, see Example - Create a Custom Attribute for a Position.

  23. Use member's or custom location - These options relate to the location of the individual and will be displayed under the Position Details on the Team Chart. This is useful information for large businesses who have employees spread through a multi-level building or for those with remote employees who work from different locations.

  24. Graphs assigned to the member - Will display graphs assigned to user

  25. Graphs for Position - Add more graphs specific to the position

  26. Add Graph Groups for Position - Used for easily finding and viewing a collection of graphs

  27. Click Create Position

  28. It will be displayed as a Draft

  29. To publish the Draft Position, click Publish. Click OK.

Create a Draft Position in a Draft Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions on the desired Draft Team

  6. Click New Position

  7. Choose an existing Role or create New Role. See also Understanding the difference between Roles and Positions

  8. Enter Role Name if it's a new role

  9. Role Display Name is optional - If left blank, it will use the Role Name.

  10. Purpose - purpose of the position, e.g. Increase Organization Income.

  11. Function - main functions of the position, e.g. Follow up leads, provide correct product or service.

  12. Results - The results produced or expected of the position. e.g. a Sales person's results could be "Closed deals."

  13. You can select a specific Knowledge item that represents the Role. This will be visible on the Team Chart when you view the details of the position.

  14. Toggle Team Leader / Not a Team Leader. See TIPS & TRICKS: Team Permissions explained.

  15. Toggle Assistant / Not an Assistant

  16. Assign the desired Graph Permissions

  17. Attachments lets you add documents (images, checklists, etc.) related to the role

  18. Assign a Member to the Position (this person must have a MetaPulse login) or leave as Held From Above (HFA)

    NOTE: We recommend that you add all the positions to your Team Chart before assigning the position to an individual

  19. Position Name - defaults to role name but can be changed

  20. Team - location of the position on the Team Chart
    ​NOTE: Only a Draft Position can be placed under existing and draft teams. An existing position can't be placed in a Draft Team.

  21. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  22. These Custom Attributes lets you add additional info for the position. For more info, see Example - Create a Custom Attribute for a Position.

  23. Use member's or custom location - These options relate to the location of the individual and will be displayed under the Position Details on the Team Chart. This is useful information for large businesses who have employees spread through a multi-level building or for those with remote employees who work from different locations.

  24. Graphs assigned to the member - Will display graphs assigned to user

  25. Graphs for Position - Add more graphs specific to the position

  26. Add Graph Groups for Position - Used for easily finding and viewing a collection of graphs

  27. Click Create Position

  28. It will be displayed as a Draft

  29. Click Back to Team Chart

  30. To see how the Draft Position would look like, click Preview on the Draft Team.

  31. It will display the Draft Position

  32. To publish the Draft Team, click Publish Draft.

  33. Click Confirm Publish. It will publish the Draft Team and Draft Position.

Create a Draft Position Alias in an Existing Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions on the destination Team

  6. Click New Position Alias

  7. Select the Source Team Chart. This is if you have more than one Team Chart.

  8. Select the Source Team. This is the Team where the actual position resides.

  9. Select the Source Position. This is the actual position for which you will be creating an alias.
    ​NOTE: You can select a Draft Position as the source as well.

  10. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  11. If you want the specify a different position name than the role name, enter the name. Otherwise, leaving the Position name blank will use the role name.

  12. Select the destination Team. In our case, it's a draft team.

  13. Click Create Position

  14. It will display the Draft Position Alias

  15. To publish the Draft Position Alias, click Publish. Click OK.

Create a Draft Position Alias in a Draft Team

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click Team Chart

  4. Click Teams

  5. Click Manage Positions on the destination Draft Team

  6. Click New Position Alias

  7. Select the Source Team Chart. This is if you have more than one Team Chart.

  8. Select the Source Team. This is the Team where the actual position resides.

  9. Select the Source Position. This is the actual position for which you will be creating an alias.
    ​NOTE: You can select a Draft Position as the source as well.

  10. Select Draft (hidden until published)

  11. If you want the specify a different position name than the role name, enter the name. Otherwise, leaving the Position name blank will use the role name.

  12. Select the destination Team. In our case, it's a draft team.

  13. Click Create Position

  14. It will display the Draft Position Alias

  15. Click Back to Team Chart

  16. To see how the Draft Position Alias would look like, click Preview on the Draft Team.

  17. It will display the Draft Position Alias

  18. To publish the Draft Position Alias, click Publish Draft.

  19. Click Confirm Publish. It will publish the Draft Team and Draft Position Alias.

Exporting a Team Chart

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Download CSV. It will be sent to you via email.

Importing a Team Chart - Example 1 - Teams Only

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Import CSV

  5. Download and fill the sample CSV file. See sample above:

    1. The Executive Division is created by row 3.

    2. The Teams created by rows 4 to 6 will be nested inside the Executive Division. The Parent Team must be appear first in the sheet, before it can be used as a Parent Team.

    3. NOTE: role and member email can be added to the initial import or later.

  6. Choose file you want to import

  7. Enter the Email address you would like to receive the import results to.

  8. Click Start Importing

The result will look like this:

Importing a Team Chart - Example 2 - Teams & Roles

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Team Chart

  4. Click on Import CSV

  5. Download and fill the sample CSV file. See sample above:

    1. The Executive Division is created by row 3.

    2. The Teams created by rows 4 to 6 will be nested inside the Executive Division. The Parent Team must be appear first in the sheet, before it can be used as a Parent Team.

    3. NOTE: member email can be added to the initial import or later.

  6. Choose file you want to import

  7. Enter the Email address you would like to receive the import results to.

  8. Click Start Importing

The result will look like this:

Renaming Teams via Import

If you later want to rename teams you can do so by supplying the Team ID and the Name in a separate import.

Team ID

Team Name


Sales Sector


Sales Team B

You can find the IDs by doing a team chart export.

Team Chart Import Fields



Team Chart ID (formerly Org Chart ID)

The ID of the Team Chart the Teams are under. If not supplied, it will use the main Team Chart.

Team Chart Name (formerly Org Chart Name)

The name of the Team Chart the Teams are under. If a name is supplied but not found it will create a new Team Chart with that name. If no name is supplied, it will use the main Team Chart.

Team ID (formerly Org Node ID)

The ID of the Team to update. The ID can be found in the Team Chart export. If none is supplied it will use the Team Name.

Team Name (formerly Org Node Name)

The name of the Team to update. It will attempt to find a Team matching this name. If a name is supplied but not found, it will create a new Team matching the name. If you want to change the name of an existing Team, or have multiple Teams with the same name, use the Team ID.

Team Parent ID (formerly Org Node Parent ID)

The Team ID of the parent Team. If none is supplied it will use the Parent Name column. The Team lookup will be scoped by this parent. If you want to update the parent, be certain to supply the Team ID

Team Parent Name (formerly Org Node Parent Name)

The name of the parent Team. The Team lookup will be scoped by this parent. If you want to update the parent, be certain to supply the Team ID

Team Results (formerly Org Node results)

The Results text for the Team.

Team Information (formerly Org Node Information)

The Information text for the Team.

Team Type (formerly Org Node Type)

The type of Team. See the Team form for a list of types. If one isn't recognized, it will be considered a custom type.

Team Elevated (formerly Org Node Elevated)

TRUE or FALSE depending on if you want the Team elevated. Leave blank to ignore this field.

Team Color (formerly Org Node Color)

The hexidecimal color value for the Team such as "#ABC123". Leave blank to use the parent's color.

Role ID (formerly Hat ID)

The ID of an existing role you want to assign/update. The ID can be found in the Team Chart export.

Role Name (formerly Hat Name)

The name of the role you want to assign to a position. If the Role ID is supplied, it will update that role with this name.

Role Purpose (formerly Hat Purpose)

The Purpose text of the role.

Role Function (formerly Hat Function)

The Function text of the role.

Role Results (formerly Hat Results)

The Results text of the role.

Role In Charge (formerly Hat In Charge)

TRUE or FALSE depending on if this role should be considered in charge of the assigned Team. Leave blank to ignore this field.

Role Assistant (formerly Hat Assistant)

TRUE or FALSE depending on if this role should be considered an assistant to another Team Leader role. Leave blank to ignore this field.

Role Graph Permission Level (formerly Hat Graph Permission Level)

One of: None, View, Add, Edit, Admin. Leave blank to keep it at it's default (None for new roles).

Position ID (formerly Post ID)

The ID of an existing position you want to update. If none is supplied, it will attempt to find a position matching the Team, role, and member.

Position Name (formerly Post Name)

The custom name of the position. If blank it will use the role's name.

Position Country (formerly Post Country)

The name of the country or the country code. If it isn't recognized, it will give a validation error.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position State (formerly Post State)

The full name of the state/province within the country.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position City (formerly Post City)

The city the position is in.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position Building (formerly Post Building)

The building the position is in.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position Floor Name (formerly Post Floor Name)

The floor the position is on.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position Floor Section (formerly Post Floor Section)

The area of the floor the position is on.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Position Time Zone (formerly Post Time Zone)

The time zone the position is in. See the position form for a list of valid time zones.

NOTE: This setting can be removed by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.


The Draft column is used to create a Draft Team or Draft Position.

Member Email

The email address of an existing member you want assigned to the position. If you want to update the member of an existing position, you will also need to supply the Position ID column.

Member ID

The unique ID of the member. The Member ID can be found in the Data Export report for Members.

NOTE: The member can be removed from position by setting this field to NULL via Team Chart Import.

Member Full Name

The full name to assign to the member.

Member Formal Given Name

The given name to assign to the member.

Member Formal Family Name

The family name to assign to the member

Member Phone Number

The phone number to assign to the member.

Member Phone Extension

The phone number extension to assign to the member.

Member Mobile Number

The mobile number to assign to the member.

Member Employee ID

The Employee ID text to assign to the member.

Member Employee Type

The type of employee the member is.

Member Cost Center

The member's cost center.

Member Status

The member's status. See the member form for a list of valid options.

Member Hire Date

The date the member was hired. It can be in any parsable format, preferably YYYY-MM-DD format.

Member Avatar URL

The URL to an image which will be used as the member's avatar. Only supply this when changing an existing member's avatar. It must be a direct link to an image file.

Member Country

The name of the country or the country code. If it isn't recognized it will give a validation error.

Member State

The full name of the state/province within the country.

Member City

The city the member is in.

Member Building

The building the member is in.

Member Floor Name

The floor the member is on.

Member Floor Section

The area of the floor the member is on.

Member Time Zone

The time zone the member is in. See the member form for a list of valid time zones.

Note: Team aliases and position aliases are currently not supported through the Team chart import. They will be coming in the future.

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