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Learn how to use Alerts

Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over a week ago

In this help doc

See also

Introduction to Alerts

Avoid rumor, hearsay and gossip. Get all alerts in writing for evaluation against statistics. Provide a simple channel to identify positive actions to enhance. Alerts help you focus on what matters.

Alert Summary

  1. Choose Alerts in the menu

  2. If you have more than one Organization, select the desired one.

  3. The Type provides info on how many Alerts of a specific type were created

  4. The Teams provides info on the Teams that are responsible for the Alerts

  5. The Status shows the status of all Alerts

Create an Alert

  1. Choose Alerts in the menu

  2. Choose New Alert

  3. Type the Alert Subject

  4. Enter Details

  5. Upload additional files, such as photo, documents etc., if needed.

  6. Add Date and Time of Incident

  7. Select the frequency of this issue

  8. Choose Alert Type. If there are no existing Alert types, Create a New Alert Type

  9. Select the impacted area

  10. If you know the Responsible Party for this incident, click Yes.

  11. Select the responsible person or position

  12. If there is another person or position responsible for this situation, select it.

  13. Click Create Alert

  14. Select Status of the alert - Unverified, Verified or Handled

  15. Select Priority - None, Critical, High, Medium or Low

  16. Select a position to assign this alert to.

    NOTE: If the position is archived at some point in future and the Alert is still not handled, the Alert will be unassigned from this position.
    If the member on this position is archived, the Alert will remain assigned to this position.

NOTE: The member needs to have Alert permissions to view the alerts. To assign Alert permissions, see Alert Permissions.

Example - Create an Alert with the help of a Knowledge Item

  1. First, you need to create a Knowledge item in which you define each Alert Type you have created. This Knowledge item will serve as a reference point when you create Alerts. See Create a Knowledge Item for more info.

  2. You have to select this Knowledge item in step 11 in the Knowledge settings

  3. Follow steps 1 - 13 in Create an Alert.

During the creation process, the Knowledge item appears on the right side as a reference point that explains each Alert Type. This helps you make the correct choice when selecting Alert Types:

Supported Attachment File Types

When uploading a file as an attachment to an alert, the following file types are supported:

  • Images: jpg / jpeg / gif / png

  • Movies: mp4 mov ogv wmv

  • Documents: pdf doc docx docm txt rtf html htm xml odt pages

  • Spreadsheets: csv xls xlsx xlsm xltx xltm numbers

  • Compressed Files: zip / tgz / gz

  • Presentations: ppa ppam pps ppsm ppsx ppt pptm pptx key

Edit an Alert

  1. Choose Alerts in the menu

  2. Click on the desired alert

  3. Click Edit to modify the data

  4. You can also provide additional data regarding the handling of the situation

  5. You can share the alert as a web link to another member.

    NOTE: The member needs to have Alert permissions to view the alerts. To assign Alert permissions, see Alert Permissions.

Find an Alert

If you need to search through a lot of alerts to find the desired one, you can use filters.

  1. Choose Alerts in the menu

  2. If you have more than one Organization, select the desired one.

  3. Select the Team Chart. If you are not using an Team Chart, this option will not be displayed.

  4. You can filter by Type of alert

  5. You can search by Status - Unverified, Verified or Handled

  6. You can filter by a specific Team

  7. You can search by an Assigned Position

  8. You can search by a desired keyword

  9. Click Search

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