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MetaPulse API v4

MetaPulse provides a simple API for you to list, read, create, update member and data.

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 months ago

Domain Change

In Nov 2021 we changed our name from envisage to MetaPulse. The new domain is Although the API will work on both and, the latter is deprecated, therefore we recommend upgrading all API calls to

MetaPulse has a simple API that is available for your use, any feedback is welcome. 

This document represents version 4 of the API. You can find all versions listed in our help article: See all API Versions

You can use the API to programmatically list, read, create, update and destroy data points against your graphs and members.  For rate limits see MetaPulse API Usage Limits.




To begin, you will need the email you use to sign into MetaPulse along with the API key from your MetaPulse User Profile page.  

If you will be doing a lot of API calls, it is best practice to create an API user in MetaPulse and give this user profile the permissions needed to access the necessary graphs.  
While you can use your own email and API key, a dedicated API user account is recommended.

Testing Authentication


The first test you should do is make sure you can authenticate with the server. MetaPulse uses header based authentication, so you need to set two headers in your request: API-EMAIL  and API-KEY . The email is your user email, the API key is from your profile page. 

You can check authentication is working by doing the following command using the curl system utility:

curl -i \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \

Which should give you a 200 OK with an empty body looking something like:

HTTP/2 200 
date: Mon, 07 Jan 2019 02:35:35 GMT
content-type: text/html

This 200 OK means you have successfully connected to the server.

Using the Data Point API

Available Data Point API actions:

Note all following date formats are YYYY-MM-DD 

You can find the Graph ID (token) on the graphs page under the Graph Info menu option.

List All Data Points

The following lists all data points for a single graph. Values are returned in order of oldest to most recent.

curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \

So for example, if your API_EMAIL  was  and your API_KEY  was sdlexamplekfj  and you wanted the data points for a weekly graph with the week ending on Thursday which had the graph token gra2example3 then the full command would be:

curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

Which would return a JSON array looking something like this:

    "graphToken": "gra2example3",
    "majorEvent": false,
    "note": null,
    "periodEnd": "2018-11-9",
    "periodStart": "2018-11-15",
    "value": "2.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-16T09:14:54.133+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-11-16T09:14:54.133+10:00"
    "graphToken": "gra2example3",
    "majorEvent": false,
    "note": "We launched the product this week!",
    "periodEnd": "2018-11-16",
    "periodStart": "2018-11-22",
    "value": "4.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-23T09:14:05.894+10:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-23T09:14:05.894+10:00"
    "graphToken": "gra2example3",
    "majorEvent": false,
    "note": null,
    "periodEnd": "2018-11-23",
    "periodStart": "2018-11-29",
    "value": "5.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"

This will return up to 50 data points at a time. You can fetch the next set of results by passing the page  parameter. For example: /api/v4/data_points?page=2. You can also customize the number of results by passing per_page=100 up to 500 results per request.

List All Data Points Using Timestamp

You can use the following parameters to list data points for a specific period:

  • starts_after Returns data points where the period starts after the given date.

  • starts_on_or_after Returns data points where the period starts on or after the given date.

  • starts_before Returns data points where the period starts before the given date.

  • starts_on_or_before Returns data points where the period starts on or before the given date.

  • ends_after Returns data points where the period ends after the given date.

  • ends_on_or_after Returns data points where the period ends on or after the given date.

  • ends_before Returns data points where the period ends before the given date.

  • ends_on_or_before Returns data points where the period ends on or before the given date.

You can use it like this:

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-X GET \


You can pass created_after and updated_after passing a timestamp to only retrieve records that have been created or updated after the specified timestamp.

When updated_after or created_after is used the records are returned in order of news to oldest.

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-X GET \<TOKEN>&created_after=2023-01-01

/** Or Use updated_after **/<TOKEN>&updated_after=2023-01-01

Show a Data Point

To view details for a specific data point, pass the date into the path:

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \

This would return the following response:

"graphToken": "<GRAPH_TOKEN>",
"majorEvent": false,
"note": null,
"periodEnd": "2018-11-28",
"periodStart": "2018-11-28",
"value": "12.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"

Create or Update a Data Point

To set the value for a data point, run the following command:

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"graph_id":"<GRAPH_TOKEN>","period":"2018-11-28","value":"15"}' \

This would set the value on 28th of November, 2018 to equal 15, creating it if it does not exist or updating it if it does exist. This would respond with:

"graphToken": "<GRAPH_TOKEN>",
"majorEvent": false,
"note": null,
"periodEnd": "2018-11-28",
"periodStart": "2018-11-28",
"value": "15.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00",
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"

If there is an error setting the data point, you will receive a 400 Bad Request with an error message.

{"error": {"message": "Graph is archived"}} 

Split a Weekly Data Point Across Two Months

It is possible to split a data point into two values if you have a weekly graph and the period spans two months. One value is assigned to the first month and another to the second month.

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"graph_id":"<GRAPH_TOKEN>","period":"2018-11-02","earlier_split_value":"10","later_split_value":"5"}' \

In this example the organization's week ends on a Friday. The data point period is for the 27th of October through the 2nd of November, 2018. The value 10 would be assigned to the October portion and 5 would be assigned to the November portion of the week.

Delete a Data Point

To delete a data point, pass an empty value.

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"graph_id":"<GRAPH_TOKEN>","period":"2018-11-28","value":""}' \

That for example would remove the value on 28th of November, 2018.

Set Multiple Data Points at Once

You can set multiple data points in a single request by supplying an array of data point values. This will create the data point if it does not exist and update the value if it does exist. If you pass an empty value it will delete the data point.

NOTE: You need to have edit permission level for all graphs you are trying to update with set_multiple

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{
"data_points": [
{"graph_id": "gra123","value": "14","period": "2018-11-28"},
{"graph_id": "gra123","value": "","period": "2018-11-29"}
}' \

For example, this would set the value on 28th of November, 2018 to equal 14 and delete the data point on the 29th.

This would return the following output:

HTTP/2 200 
date: Mon, 07 Jan 2019 03:04:49 GMT
content-type: application/json

If you need to set multiple datapoints for the same date, pass the period separately in the same /api/v4/data_points/set_multiple request.

"period": "2019-01-01",
"data_points": [
{"graph_id": "gra12345", "value": 1},
{"graph_id": "gra34567", "value": 2, "note": "Some note"},
{"graph_id": "gra56789", "value": 3, "period": "2019-02-01"}

Note the last data point has a period. This will override the initial period passed in. Any data points which don't have a period fall back to that global period.

Also, this behaves the same as the set action, so it will:

  • Create a data point if it doesn't exist

  • Update a data point if it already exists

  • Delete a data point if it exists and the given value is empty

Data Point Options

The following options can be passed in when setting a data point.

graph_id (required)

The Graph ID (token) the data point belongs to.

period (required)

The date the data point is on.


The decimal value assigned to the data point.


The first part of the value if it is a weekly period which covers two months.


The last part of the value if it is a weekly period which covers two months.


The note attached to the data point.


Extra content to add to an existing note.


Boolean true or false depending on if it is a major event.


Set to false if you want to return an error when the value is outside the expected range.

Increment a Data Point

You can increment a data point for the 28th of November, 2018 by 1, creating it if it does not exist and setting it to the value of 1 or updating it by 1 if it does. Passing in a note value will append it to the existing note (if any) joined with a new line.

To do this, you would run the following command: 

curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X PATCH \
     -d '{"graph_id":"<GRAPH_TOKEN>","value":"1","note":"Second Note","period":"2018-11-28"}' \

Which would give you in response if the graph already had the value of 15 and note of "First Note":

  "graphToken": "<GRAPH_TOKEN>",
  "majorEvent": false,
  "note": "First Note\nSecond Note",
  "periodEnd": "2018-11-28",
  "periodStart": "2018-11-28",
  "value": "16.0",
"updaterEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:01:32.921+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"

Note, passing a negative value will decrement the data point by the amount given.

Using the Graphs API 


Available Graph API actions:

Create a Graph

POST /api/v4/graphs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"organisation_token": "abc123",
"graph": {
"name": ,
"graph_type": "weekly",
"responsible_member_email": ""

The organisation_token is the same as the "Organization ID" found on the organization settings.

If you want to add additional graph attributes while creating a graph, here's the full list:


Name of the graph


You can add a description for the graph

graph_type (only when creating a graph)

daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, comparison, calculated or concatenated


daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly


true or false


To assign the graph to a member, you need to provide the member's email address.


1, 2, 3, etc.


true or false


any symbol


left or right. This will place the symbol on the left or right side of the value.


You can set a minimum value for the graph. If there is a value outside of this scope, the scope will be ignored.


You can set a maximum value for the graph. If there is a value outside of this scope, the scope will be ignored.


gap, zero or hide


true or false


none, view, add, edit or admin


true or false


true or false


It determines how values are displayed at lower frequencies. For example, it can display all values in the period, the average of all values, the minimum / maximum value within the period, the first or last reported value of the period. The values are sum, average, minimum, maximum, first or last


It's useful when daily graphs are used. It will collect data on all or specific days. The format is [false, true, true, true, true, true, false] in which a value is specified for each day. In the above example, it will collect data on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday and Monday are omitted because they are set to false.


true or false

Search for a list of Graphs

MetaPulse has a power search function in the Graphs Index API. 

Both graph names and user names can be searched.

The follow code returns all graphs with the term "Income" in the name.

Note, this also will returns any graph with an associated user that has the search term in their name.

curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

Which should return 200 OK with an array of the graph tokens, names and graph type that match the search: 

    "token": "grawrddq12o",
    "name": "Total Clients",
    "graphType": "weekly",
    "availableFrequencies": ["weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly"],
"hidden": false,
"archived": false,
    "responsibleMemberFullName": "Bob Smith",
    "responsibleMemberEmail": "",
    "responsibleMemberEmployeeId": "ABC123",
    "customAttributes": [{"name": "Internal ID", "value": "789"}]
  }, {
    "token": "gra8sd2qkez",
    "name": "Gross Income",
    "graphType": "daily",
    "availableFrequencies": ["daily", "weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly"],
    "hidden": false,
"archived": false,
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:01:32.921+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"
    "responsibleMemberFullName": "Jane Smith",
    "responsibleMemberEmail": "",
    "responsibleMemberEmployeeId": "",
    "customAttributes": []

The possible list of types returned for graphType are:

  • daily 

  • weekly  

  • monthly 

  • quarterly 

  • yearly 

  • calculated 

  • comparison 

  • concatenated 

This will return up to 50 graphs at a time. You can fetch the next set of results by passing the page parameter. For example: /api/v4/graphs?page=2. You can also customize the number of results by passing per_page=100 up to 500 results per request.

By default only active graphs are returned. Pass include_hidden=true to also return hidden graphs. Pass include_archived=true to also return archived graphs.

Search for a list of Graphs Using Timestamp

You can pass created_after and updated_after passing a timestamp to only retrieve records that have been created or updated after the specified timestamp.

When updated_after or created_after is used the records are returned in order of news to oldest.

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-X GET \


/** Or Use updated_after **/

Set Custom Attributes on a Graph

Custom attributes allow you to define your own metadata on a graph. You can set custom attributes on a graph by supplying a name and value:

curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"graph_id": "grawrddq12o", "name": "Department", "value": "A17"}' \

That example will either create or update the custom attribute "Department" on graph grawrddq12o. For setting a Date Range Type see Setting a Member Custom Attributes with type Date Range.

The graph details will be returned on success:

  "token": "grawrddq12o",
  "name": "Total Clients",
  "graphType": "weekly",
  "availableFrequencies": ["weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "yearly"],
  "hidden": false,
"archived": false,
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:01:32.921+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"
  "responsibleMemberFullName": "Bob Smith",
  "responsibleMemberEmail": "",
  "responsibleMemberEmployeeId": "ABC123",
  "customAttributes": [{"name": "Department", "value": "A17"}]

Update a Graph

Send a PATCH request to the URL to update the graph.

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"graph": {"name": "Updated Name", "responsible_member_email": ""}}'
} \

This would change the graph name and responsible member assigned to the graph matching the ID gra12345.

Delete a Graph

Graphs can be deleted through the API. You need to pass a DELETE method to the[GRAPH_ID] URL. For example:

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \

Using the Member Graphs API


Available Member Graphs API actions:

List all viewable Graphs for a Member 

To get a list of all graph tokens and the graph names viewable by a given user email, you can run the following command: 

export params=""
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

Which should return 200 OK with an array of the graph tokens, names and graph type that the user is able to edit: 

    "token": "grawrddq12o",
    "name": "Total Clients",
    "graphType": "weekly",
    "hidden": false,
"archived": false,
"createdAt": "2018-10-12T11:21:13.209+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-10-13T17:12:43.847+10:00"
    "responsibleMemberEmail": "",
    "responsibleMemberEmployeeId": ""
  }, {
    "token": "gra8sd2qkez",
    "name": "Gross Income",
    "graphType": "daily",
    "hidden": false,
"archived": false,
"createdAt": "2018-11-30T09:01:32.921+10:00"
"updatedAt": "2018-11-30T09:14:23.276+10:00"
    "responsibleMemberEmail": "",
    "responsibleMemberEmployeeId": ""

The possible list of types returned for graphType are:

  • daily 

  • weekly  

  • monthly 

  • quarterly 

  • yearly 

  • calculated 

  • comparison 

  • concatenated 

You can also specify the member using their Employee ID field if set:

export params="employee_id=ABC123&type=viewable"
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

This will return up to 50 graphs at a time. You can fetch the next set of results by passing the page parameter. For example: /api/v4/member_graphs?page=2. You can also customize the number of results by passing per_page=100 up to 500 results per request.

Note, you can pass created_after and updated_after passing a timestamp to only retreive records that have been created or updated after the specified timestamp.

List all editable Graphs for a Member 

To get a list of all graph tokens and the graph names that the given member can edit, pass the type=editable parameter, for example: 

export params=""
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

This will return the same output as listing the viewable graphs above.

List all responsible Graphs for a Member 

To get a list of all graph tokens and the graph names that the given member is responsible for, pass the type=responsible parameter, for example: 

export params=""
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

This will return the same output as listing the viewable graphs above.

List all Graphs for a Member Using Timestamp

You can pass created_after and updated_after passing a timestamp to only retrieve records that have been created or updated after the specified timestamp.

When updated_after or created_after is used the records are returned in order of news to oldest.

export params=""
curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-X GET \


/** Or Use updated_after **/

Using the Members API


Available Member API actions:

List members under an organization

You can fetch members for an organization using the following:

See Organisation ID to get the ORGANISATION_TOKEN .

export params="organisation_id=<ORGANISATION_TOKEN>"
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

Example Request


This will return the following fields for each member:

"id": "memqomqq6z1",
"email": "",
"fullName": "Sally Pink",
"phoneNumber": "123-555-0003",
"phoneExtension": "",
"mobileNumber": "",
"employeeId": "A0003",
"status": "Trial",
"hireDate": "2019-02-02",
"avatar": "",
"avatarMedium": "",
"avatarSmall": "",
"avatarThumb": "",
"countryCode": "US",
"countryName": "United States of America",
"state": "Florida",
"city": "",
"building": "",
"floorName": "",
"floorSection": "",
"timeZone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
"postId": "posurbkzjl7",
"postName": "Printing Manager",
"positionId": "posurbkzjl7",
"positionName": "Printing Manager",
"orgNodeName": "Printing",
"managerEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2022-09-14T20:27:12.054Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-27T16:31:54.856Z",
"ancestryPath": [
"id": "univ2fjlkxm",
"name": "CEO & Founder",
"post": "2.",
"position": "2."
"id": "unitdbbq2zq",
"name": "Printing",
"post": "2.E.",
"position": "2.E."
"customAttributes": [
"name": "Eligible for Bonuses",
"type": "boolean",
"value": ""
"name": "Type of Employee",
"type": "text",
"value": "Full Time"
"name": "Cost Center",
"type": "text",
"value": ""
"name": "New member arrival",
"type": "date",
"value": ""

This will return up to 50 members at a time. You can fetch the next set of results by passing the page  parameter. For example: /api/v4/members?page=2. You can also customize the number of results by passing per_page=100 up to 500 results per request.

Note, you can pass created_after and updated_after passing a timestamp to only retreive records that have been created or updated after the specified timestamp.

The Ancestry Path will return a JSON array of all positions from the top of their organization chart all the way down to the member's highest position. This provides a way to determine what area each member is in.

List members under another member

It's possible to fetch members overseen by another member by passing the overseen_by parameter.

export params="organisation_id=<ORGANISATION_TOKEN>&overseen_by=<EMAIL>"
curl -i \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
     -H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
     -X GET \

Example Request


Example Response

"id": "mem6ue5h4qr",
"email": "",
"fullName": "Jane Smith",
"phoneNumber": "123-555-0000",
"phoneExtension": "999",
"mobileNumber": "123-555-1111",
"employeeId": "A0001",
"status": "",
"hireDate": "2019-01-31",
"avatar": null,
"avatarMedium": null,
"avatarSmall": null,
"avatarThumb": null,
"countryCode": "US",
"countryName": "United States of America",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"building": "",
"floorName": "",
"floorSection": "",
"timeZone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
"postId": "posok6evrkz",
"postName": "Administrator",
"positionId": "posok6evrkz",
"positionName": "Administrator",
"orgNodeName": "Personnel Section",
"managerEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2023-03-06T17:16:03.097Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-04T16:38:29.261Z",
"ancestryPath": [
"id": "uni93tli15w",
"name": "Champion Printing",
"post": "1.",
"position": "1."
"id": "unizoherqkp",
"name": "Human Resources",
"post": "1.B.",
"position": "1.B."
"id": "unixvzd0dsl",
"name": "Personnel Section",
"post": "1.B.1.",
"position": "1.B.1."
"customAttributes": [
"name": "Type of Employee",
"type": "text",
"value": "Full Time"
"name": "New member arrival",
"type": "date",
"value": ""
"name": "Eligible for Bonuses",
"type": "boolean",
"value": ""
"id": "memqzsdu36w",
"email": "",
"fullName": "Joan Long",
"phoneNumber": "123-555-0020",
"phoneExtension": "",
"mobileNumber": "",
"employeeId": "A0020",
"status": "",
"hireDate": "2019-02-19",
"avatar": "",
"avatarMedium": "",
"avatarSmall": "",
"avatarThumb": "",
"countryCode": "US",
"countryName": "United States of America",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"building": "",
"floorName": "",
"floorSection": "",
"timeZone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
"postId": "posfx8yluup",
"postName": "Trainee",
"positionId": "posfx8yluup",
"positionName": "Trainee",
"orgNodeName": "Personnel Section",
"managerEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2023-03-06T17:16:05.510Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-09T20:32:48.707Z",
"ancestryPath": [
"id": "uni93tli15w",
"name": "Champion Printing",
"post": "1.",
"position": "1."
"id": "unizoherqkp",
"name": "Human Resources",
"post": "1.B.",
"position": "1.B."
"id": "unixvzd0dsl",
"name": "Personnel Section",
"post": "1.B.1.",
"position": "1.B.1."
"customAttributes": [
"name": "Type of Employee",
"type": "text",
"value": "Full Time"
"name": "New member arrival",
"type": "date",
"value": ""
"name": "Eligible for Bonuses",
"type": "boolean",
"value": ""

This will return a list of members which are under that given member in the Team Chart.

Show a Specific Member

After you get the Member ID from the List action, or from the Manage Member Page, you can request details for an individual member as follows:

export email="<API_EMAIL>"
export key="<API_KEY>"
export memberid="<MEMBER_ID>" # eg, memaqt2owd7
export params="organisation_id=<ORGANISATION_TOKEN>"

curl -i \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: ${email}" \
-H "api-key: ${key}" \
-X GET \

Example Request


Which will return the same attributes for the individual member as is given in the list all members response.

Set Custom Attributes for a Member

Using the Member ID (mem12345678) obtains via List action above, or from the Manage Member Page you can update the member's Custom Attributes as follows:

curl -i \      
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"name": "Department", "value": "A17"}' \

Setting a Member Custom Attributes with type Date Range

Here's syntax for setting a Date Range:

 curl -i \      
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"name": "On Leave", "value": {"start_date":"2022-01-01","end_date":"2022-02-13"}}' \

Ability to update Member Status Options

Example request:

"member": {
"status": "Contractor"

The <MEMBER_ID> is the member token such as mem12345

You can pass any of these attributes to update the member.

  • email

  • employee_id

  • employee_type

  • status

  • hire_date

  • full_name

  • phone_number

  • phone_extension

  • mobile_number

  • country_code

  • state

  • city

  • building

  • floor_name

  • floor_section

  • time_zone

  • remove_avatar (boolean, true to remove)

  • notification_email_frequency (can be never, immediately, hourly, daily, weekly)

  • slack_user_id (if slack integration is enabled on account)

  • allow_saml (if SAML is enabled on account and it's the user's only account)

  • restrict_to_account_id (if it's the user's only account)

If the update is successful, the response will be 200 with the member details (same as GET member). If there's a validation error the response will be 400 error code with JSON body. Here's an example:

"errors": {
"message": "Unable to save member due to the following error: Email is invalid"

Show Away Periods

Show Away Periods for a Member


Returns array of away periods for a given member.

Example Request

# GET[MEMBER_ID]/away_periods

Example Response

"id": "e1957d54-bf87-4d1a-8aa1-d71d0563ddae",
"startDate": "2022-01-01",
"endDate": "2022-02-02",
"reason": "Holiday"


Returns data for a single away period given an ID. Note the ID is in the URL.

Example Request

# GET[MEMBER_ID]/away_periods/[AWAY_PERIOD_ID]

Example Response

"id": "e1957d54-bf87-4d1a-8aa1-d71d0563ddae",
"startDate": "2022-01-01",
"endDate": "2022-02-02",
"reason": "Holiday",


Creates an away period given attributes.

Example Request

# POST[MEMBER_ID]/away_periods
"away_period": {
"start_date": "2022-01-01",
"end_date": "2022-02-02",
"reason": "Holiday"

Example Success Response

Same as "Show" above

Example Failure Response

# Returns 400 bad request
{"error":{"message":"Unable to save away period: Start Date can't be blank."}}


Updates an away period given id and attributes.

Example Request

"away_period": {
"start_date": "2022-01-01",
"end_date": "2022-02-02",
"reason": "Holiday"

Example Success Response

Same as "Show" above

Example Failure Response

Same as "Create" above


Deletes an away period given id.

Example Request


Example Response

Nothing (200 OK)

Show Away Periods for all Members


Returns all away periods for a given organization.

Example Request


Example Response

"id": "07e48750-b935-4e34-a24f-81b36bd830bb",
"startDate": "2022-10-10",
"endDate": "2022-10-15",
"reason": "Vacation",
"memberId": "memqomqq6z1",
"memberEmail": ""
"id": "bc6dfde0-ae30-4f69-84f1-d8c15654689a",
"startDate": "2024-06-15",
"endDate": "2024-06-21",
"reason": "Vacation",
"memberId": "mem1x1843ct",
"memberEmail": ""
"id": "fac08ea7-b927-470e-849c-aa02ecdf88f3",
"startDate": "2024-08-12",
"endDate": "2024-08-22",
"reason": "Vacation",
"memberId": "mem1st9w5wz",
"memberEmail": ""

If there are too many, you can split them in pages. The limit per page is 500.

Example Request


Create a member

Example Request

"organisation_id": "orgt5omjbsk",
"member": {
"email": "",
"full_name": "Bob Cat"

Example Response

"id": "mem2drlgc88",
"email": "",
"fullName": "Bob Cat",
"phoneNumber": null,
"phoneExtension": null,
"mobileNumber": null,
"employeeId": null,
"status": null,
"hireDate": null,
"avatar": null,
"avatarMedium": null,
"avatarSmall": null,
"avatarThumb": null,
"countryCode": null,
"countryName": null,
"state": null,
"city": null,
"building": null,
"floorName": null,
"floorSection": null,
"timeZone": "Sydney",
"postId": null,
"postName": null,
"positionId": null,
"positionName": null,
"orgNodeName": null,
"managerEmail": null,
"createdAt": "2024-08-23T17:08:35.613Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-08-23T17:08:35.613Z",
"customAttributes": []

Archive a member

Example Request

# POST<MEMBER_ID>/archive

This will return an empty 200 OK response.

Unarchive a member

Example Request

# POST<MEMBER_ID>/unarchive

This will return an empty 200 OK response.

Using the Team Chart Position API

Available Position API actions:

Set Custom Attributes for a Position

Using the position ID obtained from the Members List above or via Team Chart Data Export, you can update the position's Custom Attributes as follows:

curl -i \      
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "api-email: <API_EMAIL>" \
-H "api-key: <API_KEY>" \
-d '{"name": "Department", "value": "A17"}' \



Getting APIs to work can be a real pain sometimes, especially if you don't have direct access to send requests out.

A good tool to figure out if you are sending the API request correctly is which is a free service to show you what your application is actually sending to MetaPulse.


curl -i -H "api-key: API_KEY" \
        -H "api-email:" \

After sending this you'll get something back like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2019 12:23:29 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Vary: Accept-Encoding

Hey ya! Great to see you here. Btw, nothing is configured for this request path. Create a rule and start building a mock API.

Which shows you BeeCeptor got your message.

Going to will then show you a request, which you can click and then view the headers of and see something like:

Which looks good!

Questions / Comments


If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via support.

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