Account Settings

Learn how to use Account Settings

Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over a week ago

In this help doc

See also:

Add Account Holders

Account holders have access to account settings and full control of the account.

To add members as Account Holders, follow these steps:

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand the Account Settings menu

  3. Click on Account Settings

  4. Click in the Account Holders field and add the members

  5. Update Account to save

Remove Account Holders

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand the Account Settings menu

  3. Click on Account Settings

  4. Click on the X on the desired member
    NOTE: If you are an Account Holder and you want to remove yourself from this list, you will not be able to do it by yourself. You will need to request this from another Account Holder.

  5. Update Account to save

Change Account Name

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand the Account Settings menu

  3. Click on Account Settings

  4. Enter the desired name

  5. Update Account to save

Update Account Details

  1. Click Settings

  2. Choose Account Settings

  3. Invoice Sent 'Attention To' refers to the name of the person receiving the invoices

  4. Account Name is the name of your account

  5. Account Email refers to the email that will be receiving the invoices

  6. Accounts Phone Number is the contact number for the specific account

  7. Address is the address of this particular Organization

  8. Enter City, State, Zip Code and Country

  9. Enter Tax ID for the invoice and additional info on the invoice, if required

  10. Update Account to save

Change Email for Invoices

By default, Invoices are sent to the Account Holder who created the account. If you want to receive the invoices on a different email address, you can do this in the account settings.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Choose Account Settings

  3. Enter the name of the person that will be receiving the invoices

  4. Enter the email address that will be receiving the invoices

  5. Update Account to save

Set Default Graph Colors for Overlay Graphs

  1. Default colors (for overlay graphs) - You can change the default color for overlay (comparison) graphs, if needed

Delete Account

How to close your account and cancel your subscription

We'd be sorry to see you leave, but if you must, we make it easy for you.

  1. Click on Settings
    TIP: If you want to keep your data, you can export all of your data via Account Date Export.

  2. Click Account Settings

  3. Scroll to the bottom and choose Delete Account 😩


Please note that if your account is overdue, all outstanding fees must be paid before you can close your account.

Unpaid monthly subscriptions accrue each month and are automatically charged to your card.

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