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Bulk edit, assign or delete Knowledge Items via Settings

Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over 3 months ago

In this Help Doc

See Also

Using Search Filters

If you have many Knowledge items, the Search filters allow you to find the desired Knowledge item quickly by using one or more filters combined:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. You can search by Type

  6. You can search by Subject or category in which the Knowledge item belongs

  7. You can search by Responsible Positions

  8. If you search by keywords, you will need to click on Search. The previous filters automatically update the screen when selected.

  9. The Knowledge item will appear

Bulk Assign Items

You can assign Knowledge items in bulk to:

All Responsible Members

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which items you would like to assign

  6. Click Assign Selected Items

  7. Choose All Responsible Members

  8. Assign a deadline if you want all items to have the same deadline. If you leave it blank it will default to the item's deadline settings which could be different for each item.

  9. You can also specify the reason for the assignment. This is optional.

  10. Click Send Assignments

NOTE: Manual assignment will force a restudy of all Study List Items.


  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which items you would like to assign.

  6. Click Assign Selected Items

  7. Choose Groups

  8. Select the Groups you would like to assign the Knowledge items to.

  9. Assign a deadline if you want all items to have the same deadline. If you leave it blank it will default to the item's deadline settings which could be different for each item.

  10. You can also specify the reason for the assignment. This is optional.

  11. Click Send Assignments

NOTE: Manual assignment will force a restudy of all Study List Items.

Specific Members

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which items you would like to assign.

  6. Click Assign Selected Items

  7. Choose Specific Members

  8. Select the members you would like to assign the Knowledge items to.

  9. Assign a deadline if you want all items to have the same deadline. If you leave it blank it will default to the item's deadline settings which could be different for each item.

  10. You can also specify the reason for the assignment. This is optional.

  11. Click Send Assignments

NOTE: Manual assignment will force a restudy of all Study List Items.


  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select the desired Knowledge item/s

  6. Click on Assign Selected Items

  7. Click on Guests

  8. Enter the Name and Email Address of the Guest

  9. Choose a deadline of when their access and email link will expire

  10. Write a custom message to the guest you are inviting

  11. Send Assignments

  12. To verify that the guest has been added, click on Guests

  13. The guest will be listed

The guest will receive an email with instructions on how to access the Knowledge item.

See also:

Bulk Edit Items

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which items you would like to edit

  6. Click Edit Selected Items

  7. Make the necessary changes

  8. Click Update Knowledge Items

Bulk Delete Old Versions

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which items you would like to edit

  6. Click Delete Old Versions. This will delete all previous versions of these Knowledge items and will keep the most recent one.

  7. Click OK.

Manage Items

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select which item you would like to manage

  6. Click Manage

  7. You can Edit or Delete the Knowledge item

  8. You can add or remove Subjects

  9. You can change Responsible Positions

  10. Finally, you can view the Knowledge item

Export Knowledge Items

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Click Export Knowledge Items

  6. Click Start Export.

  7. Once the export is finished, click Download CSV. You will also receive a download link via email.

Import Knowledge Items

Currently, the import supports renaming the existing Knowledge items and changing the Publication Date only:

  1. Export your Knowledge items. See Export Knowledge Items.

  2. You would only need the following 3 columns: ID, Name and Publication Date. Remove the rest. Modify the name or Publication Date of the items. Here's an example:

  3. Go to Settings

  4. Expand your Organization

  5. Expand Knowledge

  6. Click on Items

  7. Click Import Knowledge Items

  8. Choose file you want to import

  9. Click Start Importing

  10. The status of the import will be displayed

  11. Click Items

  12. The renamed items will be displayed
    NOTE: The items on this page are listed in alphabetical order. If you renamed random Knowledge items, they might not appear on the top as in this example.

  13. If you open the Knowledge item, you will see the changed Publication Date as well.

Delete a Knowledge Item

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Click Manage on the desired Knowledge Item

  6. Click Delete Knowledge Item. Click OK.

Archive a Knowledge Item

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Click Manage on the desired Knowledge Item

  6. Click Archive Knowledge Item. Click OK.

    NOTE: Once archived, the item will be read-only and assignments will be removed.

Restore an Archived Knowledge Item

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Expand Knowledge

  4. Click on Items

  5. Select Archived

  6. Click Manage

  7. Click Restore Archived Knowledge Item

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