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Manage Emails via Settings

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Updated over a week ago

In this help doc

Introduction to Emails

MetaPulse Email Notifications can be sent to users to remind them to update their information.

  1. Event Email Templates - These emails are sent when various events happen. You can edit these templates to edit the Headers and Footers that appear on all Emails.

  2. Reminder Email Templates - These emails are sent on scheduled intervals to remind relevant members of something that needs updating in the app. They are triggered based on preset logic, such as "send to all members who have graph missing values for the prior week".

  3. Custom Email Templates - schedule an email to go to a specific positions in your organization at regular intervals, such as "Reminder to enter your weekly stats" sent at 9am every Monday.

  4. Notification Templates - These contain all the content (body of the email) of the different Notification Types with the ability to use Liquid to create a dynamic content

Event Email Templates

The following list of templates can have have their own header and footer design:

  1. Member Invitation - sent to when new members are invited to join your organization

  2. Single Notification - used for notifications involving a single items such as a knowledge item or objective

  3. Multiple Notifications - used for notifications involving multiples items, such as several knowledge items or several objectives

  4. Alert Created Notification - sent when an alert has been created

The same procedure for adding headers & footers applies for any of the above 4 templates.

Add Header & Footer to a Notification Template

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Emails

  4. Click Manage on the desired notification

  5. Click Edit Template

  6. Add the following code for the header:

    <table width="600" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://add-your-logo.png" alt="Logo description" width="265" height="65" /></td>

    <table border="0" width="650" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
    <p style="border-bottom: 4px solid #008100;">&nbsp;</p>

  7. Add the path to your logo

  8. You can change width and height of the logo

  9. You can change the line thickness on the horizontal line

  10. You can change the color on the horizontal line

  11. Add the following code for the footer:

    <p style="border-bottom: 4px solid #008100;">&nbsp;</p>
    <p style="font-size: 12px">
    <a href="{{ notification_settings_url }}" style="color: #777">change notification settings </a>

    Click Update Template

  12. Your header (logo and horizontal line) will show up

  13. Your footer will show up.

NOTE: Each template has Liquid Variables, which are used to add dynamic content to emails. The Liquid Instructions appear at the bottom of the template page. For more information on how to use Liquid Variables see Introduction to Liquid.

Schedule Emails

To manage an existing schedule or create a new one:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Emails

  4. Click Manage on the desired template

  5. Click Manage to update the existing schedule or New Email Schedule to create a new schedule

  6. If you clicked Manage on the existing schedule, click Edit Email Schedule

  7. You can enter a name for the schedule

  8. Set the repeating delivery schedule

  9. Select Active - if left unchecked the schedule will not send emails

  10. Use Recipient rules to include or exclude Members, Teams, Groups or Permissions

  11. You can include Away members (members that are out of office, vacation, etc.) For more info, see step 6 in Manage Member.

  12. CC Senior Member will send a copy of the email to the "Team Leader" of the recipient on the Team Chart

  13. Click Update Email Schedule / Create Email Schedule to save

Create Email Templates

New Custom Template

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Emails

  4. Select New Custom Template

  5. Enter a name for the template

  6. Enter a subject for the email

  7. Enter the necessary content for the HTML version. This will require a combination of HTML and Liquid tags.

    NOTE: Each template has Liquid Variables, which are used to add dynamic content to emails. The Liquid Instructions appear at the bottom of the template page. For more information on how to use Liquid Variables see Introduction to Liquid.

  8. If needed, enter the necessary content for the text version. This is used if the email recipient is viewing the email in plain-text format.

  9. Click Create Template

  10. Click New Email Schedule. See steps 7-13 in Schedule Emails.

New Objectives Reminder Template

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Emails

  4. Select New Objectives Reminder Template

  5. Enter a name for the template

  6. Select Number of days objective has been stale (last updated). The default is 14.

  7. Objective Progress lets you select Objectives that are At Risk, Behind Only (not at risk), Behind or At Risk, Incomplete and Complete.

  8. Enter a subject for the email

  9. Enter the necessary content for the HTML version. This will require a combination of HTML and Liquid tags.

    NOTE: Each template has Liquid Variables, which are used to add dynamic content to emails. The Liquid Instructions appear at the bottom of the template page. For more information on how to use Liquid Variables see Introduction to Liquid.

  10. If needed, enter the necessary content for the text version. This is used if the email recipient is viewing the email in plain-text format.

  11. Click Create Template

  12. Click New Email Schedule. See steps 7-13 in Schedule Emails.

Edit Email Templates

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Expand your Organization

  3. Click on Emails

  4. Click Manage on the desired template

  5. Click Edit Template

There are 4 sections to an Email Template:

  1. Subject

  2. Body (HTML Version)

  3. Body (Text version) this is used by some email platforms instead of the HTML version.

  4. Liquid variables available.

Introduction to Liquid

Liquid is an open-source language that enables users to add dynamic content such as a username using Objects.
​Objects tell Liquid where to show content on a page. Objects and variable names are denoted by double curly braces: {{ and }} as shown below.

Hello {{ recipient_name }}

Liquid Tags create the logic and control flow for templates. They are denoted by curly braces and percent signs: {% and %}.

​{% if user %} Hello {{ }}! {% endif %}

Using Liquid you are able to customize your Email Templates. Visit the Liquid Template Documentation for more information on how to use it.

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