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Teams Directory
Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated over a week ago

In this Help doc



Team View Options

Manage Team Views

Create a New Team

Rename a Team

Change a Team color

Show a Team on the Team Chart

Display a Team

Open all Team's graphs

Open all Team's graphs in Data Entry

Open Team's Objectives

Open Team's Events

Open Team's Alerts

Open Knowledge Assignments for a Team

Move a Team

Remove a Team

Add Knowledge Item for a Team

Add description for a Team

Change the Parent for a Team

Open Team's Positions

Add Positions to a Team

Change the order of Positions

Add new Sub-Teams

Change the order of Sub-Teams

Open Sub-Teams

Add Alias for a Team

Introduction to Team Views

With Team Views, you can easily find the teams you are looking for using any combination of the Filters as shown in the image above.

These Views can be saved and shared with your team, making it easier to collaborate and find the same teams in the future.

Find Teams using Keywords Filter

Find Teams using Team Chart Filter

Find Teams using Parent Team Filter

Find Teams using Member Filter

Find Teams using Alias Filter

Find Teams using Draft Filter

Find Teams using Team Filter

Add / Remove Columns in Views

Sort Teams in Views

Import Teams

Export Teams

Save Views

Search Views

Share Views to another Position

Replace existing Views

Manage Views

Delete Views

Delete a View in Teams Directory if you are an Owner


Delete a View in Teams Directory if you are not an Owner

Remove Filters

Open Active Teams

Open Your Teams

Open Draft Teams

Open All Teams

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