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Growth League
Oliver Zdravkovski avatar
Written by Oliver Zdravkovski
Updated this week

In this help doc

Enroll in Growth League

  1. Click Settings

  2. Expand your Account

  3. Expand your Organization

  4. Click Growth League

  5. If you have more than one Organization, you can select the desired one.

  6. Click Enroll in Growth League

  7. Enter your company data

  8. Click Next

  9. On this step, the graphs for the Growth League will be created. You can either select existing graphs or let MetaPulse create the desired graphs automatically by leaving the field empty. There will be total of 23 Growth League graphs.
    NOTE: If you want to select existing graphs, only Daily or Weekly graphs are accepted.

  10. Click Done

  11. To view the Growth League graphs, click View Graphs.

  12. The graphs will be displayed. See image above.

  13. To enter the values, click Enter Values.

  14. The graphs will be displayed on the Data Entry page where you can enter the values

How to Play the Game


The game will consist of multiple rounds where each round will last for multiple weeks. In this example, Round 1 will last for 8 weeks.

Before the game starts, there will be a countdown:

When the game starts, your company name will be displayed on the right sidebar on your Dashboard:

It will display "Week 1" and 0 points.

NOTE: The above screenshot displays 5 companies. These are the companies that are owned by the same owner and he enrolled them in the game. If you are participating with one company, only one company will be displayed here. The sidebar won't display the other competitors, but only the company/ies you own.

When Week 1 ends, your graphs should be updated for that week. If there are missing values, you will be notified and you will have another week to enter the values before they are locked.

NOTE: After each week, you will receive an email that the week has ended, if you have missing values, how many points you have and which position you are.

The Leaderboard shows up during Week 3 because it takes 2 weeks for a week to be finalized, so when Week 3 starts, Week 1 is finalized. It would look like this:

When Week 2 is finalized, you will start receiving points based on your progress. It would look like this:

Here, the Leaderboard will display the other 2 closest competitors to you. They will be displayed on the above graph.

When Round 1 finishes, it would display the results both on the Dashboard and the Growth League page:

How to Update Graph Values

There are 2 ways to update Growth League graph values:

Growth League page

  1. Click your company

  2. Enter the values

Data Entry

  1. Click Data Entry

  2. Select Growth League Graphs

  3. Click Find Graphs

  4. Select the desired date

  5. Enter the values

How to Check the Leaderboard

  1. Click your company

  2. The Leaderboard will be displayed

How to Open Growth League Graphs

Open All Growth League Graphs

Open a Specific Growth League Graph

  1. Click your company

  2. Click the desired graph name

  3. The graph will be displayed

How to Check the Points from Previous Weeks

  1. Click your company

  2. Click the desired week

How to Select a Different Round

  1. Click your company

  2. Click the dropdown menu

  3. Select the desired round

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